All posts by Beck

Is AssangeDAO a successful crypto project?

Originally contained in the PDF NFT on OpenSea


Democracy and freedom have been disgraced in this magical age, but they make business sense. From AssangeDAO, we can’t help thinking that the so-called Internet culture, democracy and freedom, the spirit of Crypto, these seem to be nonsense, when the bear market may be worthless.

1. Positioning and brief comments

AssangeDAO is a wonderful and typical Rug Pull (No official website, no whitepapers, no code security audits, no exchanges etc..).

Indeed, it’s a Rug Pull. But if a Rug Pull project attracts so much gold and attention, it can be the good project as well.

From an operational standpoint, it must be of great benefit to give such a high profile to a project.

Therefore, we should think of AssangeDAO as a phenomenon project, not as an imposing DAO organization.

Operation Score of AssangeDAO :

Storyline: ☆☆☆☆

Product layer: ☆☆☆☆

Investment side: ☆☆

Marketing point: ☆☆☆

Consensus degree: ☆☆☆☆☆

Overall score:☆☆☆

2. Storyline operation

AssangeDAO’s storyline is very simple: inspired by “People”, a group of People who believe in the spirit of decentralization want to raise money in the form of DAO, and then use the money to rescue Assange, the founder of Wikipedia.The setup is simple but ingenious, since Mr. Assange’s support of bitcoin has long been widely credited with being the catalyst for its transformation from “Satoshi’s Bitcoin” to “everyone’s Bitcoin.” In other words, Mr. Assange himself was a big part of the initial emergence of the DAO. This setup is very suitable for Western tastes and fully embodies the original spirit of DAO.

On the other hand, unlike the vague descriptions of other projects, AssangeDAO’s purpose is clear: to raise money to free Mr. Assange (Not going to discuss it works or not).

Next, see how the story plays out. From the beginning, the Internet was flooded with retweets of Assange DAO, some believed, others thought it was a scam, and the public opinion reached its climax on February 7. But the greed of the project’s sponsors, who had no reason to open a second round of donations and failed to appease a group of people, caused many donors to complain and scold. The turning point came when Ethereum founder “V-God” made a donation and spoke out publicly, which quickly calmed the anger.

When you look back on the drama surrounding AssangeDAO, does it sound like something you’ve read before? It is important to remember that “If the project is not controversial, the operation is not good”.

3. Product level operation

The product of this kind of DAO project is the website. In terms of storytelling logic, AssangeDAO’s official website, with black and white straightforward telling us 3 things:

1. A good reason with the project

2. “Just pay it” according the rules

3. Use NFT to move funds

This is a very clear expression of the operation of a project, first drainage, then collect money, finally cash out and leave. The opening lines and background on the website are a clear attempt to create conflict and define positions.

Creating a conflict between free Internet resentment and the justice of the judicial system. Define the position that crypto punk should take to fight for freedom. It also quoted Mr. Assange as saying that “one of the best ways to achieve justice is to expose injustice.”

There, this is the nobility, this is what makes you pay.

As stated on the website, the project was inspired by the Free Ross DAO. They are smarter, of course, and Mr. Assange’s subject matter is easier to stand on the high ground of justice. Rescuing the founder of the Dark Web Silk Road is surely less compelling than rescuing Mr. Assange.

Websites raising money for THE DAO project must write the copy clearly and clearly, otherwise no one will put money into an unknown project, after all, this kind of project does not have DeFi’s APY magic mines, and there is no imagination space of the metaverse.

4. Investment operation

Smart operations or product managers will make it easier for customers to pay. The way to invest in AssangeDAO is very simple: go to JuiceBox DAO and pay. Note that I used the term “invest”, not “donate.” If you donate with an investment attitude, congratulations on gaining “Justice” but losing money quickly.

Smart AssangeDAO operators must know that most people have no idea who Mr. Assange is, and don’t care if he has a stroke or a wedding in a London jail, even if he is extradited back to the US, locked up in Arkham madhouse, Batman and Joker are Fxxking his ass. So, An investor without operational thinking is likely to be reaped. Once they learn about the project, they will most likely Google who Mr. Assange, Julian is, research his background in revealing American secrets, and then get excited, brainless, and gamble to see if their “righteous deed” turns into a windfall.

Then pay with brainless rush. An investor with an operational mindset is likely to drive the project.


Most of them don’t come from a liberal democratic background, they don’t discuss whether the judicial system is fair or not, they don’t think about whether Mr. Assange, Julian is guilty or not, they are looking at whether the project has the heat, whether it has the Fomo sentiment, whether it should be speculation or investment.

Then pay to try it out.In this case, the project’s audience is likely to pay regardless of whether they have an operational mindset.

There is almost no threshold for crowdfunding DAO projects, anyone can tell a story, and sustainable development is nonsense in this track. Realizing fundraising and realizing goals are often two different things, so the risk of investment and speculation is very high.

5. Marketing operation

When it comes to Mr. Assange’s marketing boom, there is a “ConstituionDAO”, also called “People”. AssangeDAO’s donation attracted a large number of speculators as “People” rose by tens of times and the effect of creating wealth was remarkable.

To put it simply, the profit model of such projects cannot be separated from the marketing model. When there are more people, money will be made. With the promotion of Giant Whale, everyone will pay for Fomo, and then the price will rise.

Projects about “Assange” and “People” are released on JuiceBox DAO every day, but what are the good projects?

With Fomo, there will be heat; with heat, people will donate money; with more money, there will be a strong consensus; with a strong consensus, there will be growth and money. This is a good project on the DAO track.

AssangeDAO’s marketing efforts have been minimal, with only the Assange name and the inclusion of Assange’s brother and fiancée as partners are enough to attract attention.

The marketing point of the program was to get hot, but it just didn’t get what it expected. Perhaps it would be more interesting if AssangeDAO could go a step further and draw a bigger pie for donors and investors — that is, a clearer picture of the future use of governance tokens, if only conceptually. For example, it is used to vote for the next “Good Samaritans” to rescue DAO, DAO again after DAO.

We all know that effective marketing for blockchain projects tends to be about the future, not the present.

6. Consensus operation

To put it bluntly, the consensus of a project is to look at the community. The community of the project is divided into two groups: donors and speculators. Donors are mostly wealthy.

Some of them may be rich parties who really want to save him and then donate a large amount. Such a group of people donated more than 60% of the total amount, and the amount of donation was more than dozens of ETH.

The point is that there are blockchain celebrities like “V-God”. Although he only donated 10 ETH, the impact of his brand far exceeds the investment amount.

Is there a project that doesn’t want to have something to do with this brand? If Polkadot founder didn’t have the title of Ethereum co-founder, it wouldn’t be as popular in marketing as it is now. Speculators are mostly small retail investors.

The purpose of joining the two groups in the community is different. That is to say, people of different classes have different views on the same thing.


Therefore, when Assange DAO made it clear that there was only one fundraising round, he added an additional round of fundraising, causing controversy in the organization.

Because the consensus of donors is spiritual, the consensus of speculators is economic. If you look at it from an operational standpoint, you’ll see that this kind of “conflict event” leads to a mouthwatering discussion of the entire project. It is not so much the idea of AssangeDAO’s project as the deafening volume of the community’s controversial issues.

AssangeDAO has not responded positively to the community’s doubts about secondary fundraising and NFT, and the unusual explanation is far-fetched. Because in the eyes of high-quality operators, the focus is not on the survival of reasonable and legal projects.

Anyway, regardless of whether it was intentional or accidental, AssangeDAO succeeded in building community consensus.

The so-called degree of consensus is not the unanimous voice of the mob, but the contradiction and contention of opposing classes.

7.Summary and inspiration

Taken together, the AssangeDAO project is clever, but shameful. Smart because of their business strategy; Shame because of the way they cashed out.

According to the website, the $55 million ETH they raised will be used to bid on NFT, and the proceeds from NFT will be used to pay for Assange’s rescue.

Regardless of whether this NFT is good or bad, if we follow normal logic,Why go round and bid for NFT when the project’s $55 million will go straight to Assange’s lawsuit? It is obviously going from left to right, embezzled funds, then cashed out.

Smart operation leads to wealth. If AssangeDAO failed to achieve fame and fortune, it must be that the operators suddenly lost their wisdom in the cashing link. Maybe they are not as powerful as I imagined, and all the magic skills are just a metaphysical coincidence. DAO is a good way for a project to quickly build consensus and raise funds to jumpstart a business plan in the current environment.

However, a good startup form does not mean the whole of this project. How to promote the sustainable development of DAO mode should be what every blockchain industry operator should think about.

AssangeDAO’s idea is good, it came with a good reason, and the mood of Fomo is relaxed. However, because of secondary fundraising and NFT liquidation, it makes people feel difficult to cope with each other. Fortunately, the brand is good and will not be blocked in the middle way.

To think

“You wouldn’t even care if Mr. Assange was sentenced to 175 or 1750 if it wasn’t for the fact that Mr. Assange became a blockbuster and had the potential to make money. It wouldn’t make you 1.75USDT more.”

“While AssangeDAO got off to a good start, it didn’t have a really loyal group of supporters like “People” to get the project going.”

“This project tells a big, empathetic story that people love to hear. At the same time, from the perspective of profit-driven, the mechanism of airdrop also caused fomo sentiment in the public.”

“AssangeDAO is not a real long-term investment, the so-called DAO spirit is all grandiose nonsense.”

Originally contained in the PDF NFT on Opensea. If you are interested in 0x90’s report, please follow us via or subscribe the website

Another strong partner to joined Silicoin Ecosystem: GUMP

GUMP – “We the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the DAOs”

Introduction to GUMP

$GUMP is a community-focused and innovative reward token of $PEOPLE built by the Myth of America Community available on Uniswap V2. $GUMP is paired with $PEOPLE that largely benefits $PEOPLEs holders.

The mission

Since Web 1.0 is a retronym referring to the first stage of the World Wide Web’s evolution, from roughly 1991 to 2004, then Web 2.0 from 2004 that emphasize user-generated content, ease of use, participatory culture and interoperability (i.e., compatibility with other products, systems, and devices) for end users. And then human have a new mission.

In the future, Silicoin and GUMP will discuss more possibilities of WEB3.0 construction together. WEB3.0 will provide increased data security, scalability, and privacy for users and combat the influence of large technology companies.

Official Website

Please see the link below for more information of GUMP:


Silicoin & GUMP will hold an AMA on Friday 12:00 noon

The most potential GameFi – Super War Pet launched. Are you ready to earn?


GameFi is a new concept after the fire of DeFi, NFT, and the Metaverse. Like DeFi, it is a word created with the development of the industry, and can also be understood as Game+DeFi. It aims to promote the financial attributes of games through the game economy. While improving the game economy through financial attributes, the notable feature is that the financial element (Finance) is integrated into the game (Game), and the decentralized financial products are presented in the form of games. DeFi’s Gamification of rules, fusion and sublimation. The special feature of GameFi is the play to earn part in GameFi. Users can earn income or rewards in the process of participating in the game and make money. In addition, rich Defi gameplay, such as game prop assets NFT, game economy combined with liquidity mining, etc., are all available in GameFi.

At the same time, thanks to the distributed structure of blockchain technology, the “metaverse” perfectly mirrors the real world at the relatively general level of “system”. The next block chain with huge economic value and investment value is GameFi.

The value of GameFi is the IP attribute of the game itself. Based on the foundation of Finance, the core game can be played. In terms of game content and IP creation, many projects have begun to stand alone and take the lead.

Global GameFi games are developing rapidly, but they lack in-depth thinking and hard work in the direction of Game. But there are also many potential emerging projects worthy of attention. As one of them, Super War Pet is a classic and unique SLG chain game based on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), which integrates “elimination, competition, simulation, mining, Staking, SWAP, DEFI, NFT, DAO” in one, in which you will lead your pet team on adventures and achieve personal and team honor.


How to play the new world

In Super War Pet, NFT pets are your mounts, and incredible new worlds and life forms are waiting for you. To get NFT pets, you can use tokens to draw blind boxes, or use summoning and breeding skills to strengthen your pet lineup to get more resources and rewards.

Super War Pet is a metaverse full of adventure and war, we have

A complete economic system, from NFT exchange to pet summoning, synthesis, duplication, exchange, to land auction and store rental, the whole process is Play-to-Earn.

Perfect social system. From the moment you join the game, you are a member of Super War PetDAO, and you can share the dividends of ecological development by participating in the ecological governance of Super War Pet Metaverse.

Set up a pet level system, upgrade to get more power and resources, and become the best Super War Pet fighter.

An epic war is waiting for you to join, and the supremacy of pet camps in the elven castle awaits.

Bringing the game back to the essence of fun has always been the original intention of Super War Pet. As a top GameFi production from game graphics to war scenes, as well as combat missions and level design. Coupled with rich and interesting gameplay, “Super War Pet” allows you to appreciate what it means to be completely immersive.


Play-to-Earn as a new concept economic model, we call it earning while playing. The economics of Play-to-Earn are at the heart of the GameFi space. Gamefi is an inevitable result of the development of DeFi and NFT. Its value lies in enabling participants to enjoy the fun of games while also getting real benefits from them. Compared with the “Free-to-Play” of traditional games, Gamefi is “Play to Earn”. The former is to spend money to recharge and then play the game, while the latter game players can earn real money through encrypted assets and participate in the virtual economy. Players who build and play can earn rewards for their participation, sell them on the market and earn money. This is a revolutionary difference. It is different from the Free-to-Play model in the traditional game industry,


Since blockchain games are not owned by a certain company, the development team of Chain Games has changed from the service role of the traditional game development team to a company-like architect, and the player has changed from the player who pays to play the game to a player. Employees who contribute to the development and expansion of the company, players and developers jointly maintain the game, which is completely driven by the market, the higher the popularity, the better the experience, and the higher the level of gamers. The transformation of the identities of both parties has transformed the original player’s behavior of spending money to play the game into a behavior similar to work and making money. They can obtain returns from the market through the game, and each player can participate in the improvement and upgrade of the overall game. This is also an epic change to the long-ruling era of game kryptonite.

Super War Pet NFT is also known as SW-NFT. Each SW-NFT represents a pet, first obtain a SW-NFT, join the Super War Pet game, and then be eligible to summon a pet, and then experience the incubation, upgrade, exchange and other gameplay of advanced SW-NFT.

Different from the traditional game centralized mode, Super War Pet gives players enough game rights. All SW-NFTs purchased and incubated in the game universe belong to the players themselves, and players have the right to exchange them freely.


2021 is called the first year of the metaverse. The metaverse maps the reality into the virtual world, and the concept of ultimately affecting the real world from the activities of the virtual world has become the main direction of the future development of the Internet. Under the epidemic, some resource-exporting countries in Southeast Asia have encountered an economic crisis. To solve the economic crisis, it is necessary to seek new economic growth points in addition to resource exports. The economic system mapped by GameFi just provides such a possibility, so that ordinary people can In the reality of high consumption and low income, certain benefits are earned through the virtual world.

The trend of 2022 is gradually blowing to GameFi, and more and more newcomers are pouring into the game world of “Paly to Earn”. Let’s lead the pets of war in the chain game Super War Pet, and adventure together. Run on the road of Play-to-Earn and achieve each other. Build your own new kingdom on the blockchain, summon, collect, copy, exchange pets, appreciate game rewards and govern digital assets. Follow the pace of Super War Pet, seize GameFi, seize the opportunity, and dominate the wealth!

Celebrating the success of the STAR Community Online Conference

At 21:00 on March 21, 2022 (GMT+8), representatives of the STAR community brought 1500,000,000 Tokens to the conference site and had a wonderful interaction with more than 500 participants. There were up to a thousand spectators waiting outside the conference room. The benefits were distributed through multiple rounds of lottery draws, and even lucky winners received a huge reward of 300,000,000 Tokens, and gave specific answers to the questions raised at the conference. The details are as follows:

Moderator: Today is an online thousand-person conference jointly held by representatives of the Star China Alliance community and the official community. In this meeting, one of the leaders of the Star community of the SHIB team will be invited to explain to us the layout of Star, the value of Star, and the benefits of Star. Ecology and the future of Star. Next, let’s invite Jacky Davis to our meeting.

Moderator: Welcome Mr. Jacky Davis to our air conference, and I welcome you on behalf of the Star China community.

Star community representative: Thank you for the invitation of the Star China community, which allowed me to cross time and space to come to a powerful China and meet this group of excellent partners. My name is Jacky Davis, from the SHIB team Star community. I will briefly explain the original intention of the Star community and its establishment. development plan.

Moderator: Okay, please.

Star Community Representative: Dear Star Chinese Community Players:

Hello! Let me briefly introduce the Star community. The Star community originates from the SHIB team. It is a digital autonomous community spontaneously established by a group of metaverse industry believers. I hope to use the wealth once obtained in SHIB to build a seamless link and low latency dedicated to the metaverse. Satellite network, and expect more consensus people to experience the charm of the metaverse industry with us.

Star Community is a non-profit organization. Our team is composed of freelance investors from many countries around the world, covering the United States, France, Switzerland, Singapore, Japan, Indonesia and other countries.

The Star community is committed to the construction of the Metaverse satellite network, the layout and development of digital asset-related industries such as Metaverse ecological construction, community dividend sharing, and community external relations.

The Star community has been paying attention to the application of blockchain technology. The blockchain represents a change in a great era, because this technology will bring to mankind another great invention after the Internet. It will penetrate into every area of development in our world. Gradually enter a truly technological society, and everyone has the opportunity to obtain great value.

The application of blockchain technology has revolutionized the way of finance on Wall Street and most of the world, just as the emergence and popularization of the Internet brought us prosperity and wealth. But the biggest role of the Internet is that it has spawned many industrial oligarchs, and it has not fundamentally allowed us to share prosperity. It is also the focus of all the anger and extremism in society today. Among them, the Russian-Ukrainian war is the best example.

The Star community has been thinking about whether it can come up with some new solutions to this inequality problem? I have been thinking about how to redistribute wealth by some means. For example: Can wealth be pre-distributed? Can we change the way wealth is created at the source, can we create wealth through technological means, attract more people to participate in the ecosystem, and ensure that they are paid equally?

Through the wealth accumulated in SHIB, the Star community began to lay out the metaverse industry, and innovatively proposed the concept of “infinite circulation, wireless destruction, infinite ranking, and infinite value-added, which has won the participation and praise of more than 100 large communities around the world. I am very proud of this.

The Star community will develop the Metaverse industry ecology in depth through the combined Starchain system, and will form multiple autonomous communities around the Metaverse ecology, generating a large amount of transaction data and circulation data. In the future, the Star Metaverse will open up the physical boundaries of the real world and expand the application scenarios from the economic and financial fields of the Metaverse to all aspects of daily life and daily life. The development direction of the Star community that conforms to the trend of the times will receive the support of various forces. The future Star community may become a model for the global digital asset community.

Finally, I would like to tell you that I love China very much, and we look forward to reaching a closer cooperation with the market here. This is of course inseparable from the support and encouragement of all of you. The Star community will also give more support for the development and development of the market. To provide assistance, we will strive to seize every opportunity to make all assumptions a reality and help all participants get the most value. Here, on behalf of the Star community, I warmly welcome and look forward to all of you joining us. We will share the bright future of technology and wealth with you. thank you all! !

Moderator: Thank you Mr. Jacky Davis for his wonderful speech. Next, I will have a few questions for you to ask. I read in your letter to the players that you have gained a great wealth from SHIB, you can give us Can you tell me how much it is?

Star community representative: Haha, we can talk about this matter. The Star community has joined the SHIB team since August 2020, and it has grown from a few people at the beginning to several thousand people now, all over the world. The Star community has always been a firm SHIB team. The supporters of the company have accumulated a million-fold increase in dividends, and most of the founding members of the community have received tens of millions or even over 100 million US dollars in dividends.


Moderator: I read your letter and said that you regretted the behavior of selling SHIB. May I ask which aspects do you mean by regret?

Star community representative: The regret I said is that the Star community has not been able to do more ecological construction for SHIB. Until now, the Star community is still one of the communities with the largest holdings of SHIB. Star is a completely decentralized community. The voting mechanism is used to determine the final direction of the community. In 2021, we see the development prospects of the metaverse. Through the voting of all members of the community, we decided to build a delay-free metaverse network based on Starlink.

Moderator: Okay, so that’s the case, can you come and talk to us about the future development direction of the Star community?

Star community representative: First of all, the Star community is built around how to allow members to get more dividends. We hope that the first metaverse ecology launched by Star can lead everyone to get tens of millions or even hundreds of millions of dollars just like when we were in the SHIB team. dividend.

Moderator: It seems that everyone’s financial freedom is at hand, so how can we participate in the ecological construction of Star and get dividends?

Star community representative: As I said earlier, Star is a fully autonomous community. It has grown from a few people to thousands of people, and the benefits of its members are also different. The Star community has adopted an advanced mechanism to calculate the members earned income. To put it simply, the earlier you participate, the larger the proportion of ecological construction and the higher the income. This is also the difference between the dividends of community members from 10 million to 100 million.

Moderator: Is it understandable that the more Star Tokens I hold, the more ecological dividends I get?

Star community representative: It can be understood that the global airdrop has begun. More than 100 large communities around the world have reached cooperation with us. The demand for Star Token is far lower than our airdrop. It is foreseeable that Star Token will only need one The launch will usher in an explosive growth, ten times, a hundred times the situation may occur.

Moderator: The increase is tenfold and a hundredfold, so I have to quickly mobilize my friends to participate, and seize the time to seize the first wave of airdrops and the first wave of dividends.

Star community representative: You are right, apart from time, a large amount of holding is also a way to get dividends. For example, if you buy $1,000 of Star Token and buy $10,000 of Star Token when you go online, you will have a lot of money. There is a big difference in dividends. In the case of adding 1,000 consensus members, there will be a nearly 1,000-fold difference in income between holding $1,000 Star Token and holding $10,000 Star Token, just like when the Star community joined the SHIB team. Some people got tens of millions of dollars in dividends, and some people got hundreds of millions of dollars in dividends.


Moderator: There is such a big gap. Is there a faster way to obtain ecological dividends?

Star community representative: Of course, Star Token adopts the mechanism of infinite ranking, infinite destruction, infinite circulation, and infinite increase to ensure that consensus participants continue to receive dividends in the process of trading tokens. For example, by purchasing a large number of tokens to obtain ranking dividends, Purchase Tokens at a specific time to get sharing dividends. In addition, in addition to a large number of holdings and purchases to obtain dividends, setting up your own community is also a way to quickly obtain ecological dividends, because the holding and purchase behaviors of each member of the community are related to you.

Moderator: I would like to ask again, why does Star distribute so many bonuses to members of the community?

Star community representative: This is a very good question. First of all, the Star community hopes that more consensus people can get asset freedom like we joined SHIB. Star’s metaverse plan also needs more consensus people to support, Star is just a community launch The first ecology of , with the increase of consensus, the pace of ecological construction will also speed up. Star is completely different from other ecosystems that need to be raised, because we are supported by the huge wealth obtained through SHIB. This is not difficult to see from the distribution mechanism. The 2% ecological construction ratio cannot completely satisfy the ecological construction of the Star Metaverse, and the rest 98% of it will be funded by the Star founding team, so as to complete Star’s original idea of a seamless link low-latency metaverse satellite network.

Moderator: So this is Star’s idea. So, does the Star community have anything to do with Mr. Musk?

Star community representative: When I was in the SHIB team, I had the honor to meet Mr. Musk. Therefore, the Star community voted unanimously to build Star’s metaverse satellite network system based on Mr. Musk’s Starlink network. The Star community also cooperated with Blizzard’s The well-known game studio of Star has been in close contact to conduct in-depth communication for Star’s metaverse 2.0 or even 3.0 ecological vision.

Host: Wow, it turns out that there is such a huge ecological concept behind Star. Now I would like to ask what you want to say to the players in the Star China community?

Star community representative: First of all, I would like to thank the Star China community for inviting me to participate in this air event. I also feel your enthusiasm. Now China is getting stronger and stronger, and all industries can see the friendly faces of Chinese people. , the Star community also expects more Chinese players to join. We will cherish every consensus from this great eastern country, and promote the convergence of Eastern and Western cultures in the Star Metaverse, transcending the boundaries of time and space between communities, and jointly conquering the metaverse industry. Sea of stars. I look forward to seeing you all again in the Star Metaverse and firmly believe that this day is coming.

Moderator: Thank you Mr. Jacky Davis for his appreciation to the Chinese community. I believe that the Chinese community will also fully support the ecological construction of the Star Metaverse. Mr. Jacky Davis, today, the number of participants in our online conference is close to 1,000. Next, we will take a few minutes of your time to interact with players in our Chinese community and answer a few questions related to Star. Next, please leave a message in the comment area, and I will randomly select five questions to answer:

Group friend asked: Mr. Jacky Davis, how many zeros do you think Star can go to in the end?

Star community representative: We have participated in the development of SHIB and experienced the increase of hundreds of thousands of times of SHIB. We also hope that Star can achieve an increase of hundreds of thousands of times like SHIB. Of course, this requires the joint efforts of everyone. In addition, the biggest difference between Star and SHIB is the ecological application of Star. The goal of Star is to build a Metaverse satellite network ecosystem to encourage more community participants to obtain the industrial dividends of the Metaverse. I believe these differences are enough to promote Star to surpass The height of the SHIB.

Group friends asked: How much will Star’s infinite loop and destruction mechanism be destroyed in the end?

Star community representative: We hope that through the efforts of all Star enthusiasts, we will eventually destroy 20 billion pieces, of which 10 billion we hope players will hold, and the other 10 billion will be held by Mr. Musk, to help Mr. Musk’s Star Chain plan, as soon as possible Realize the construction of Star’s metaverse network.

Group friends asked: What is Star’s pot, and when are you going to withdraw?

Star community representative: In order to allow more people to enjoy the initial value-added dividends, Star has set up a pot of 30,000 USD + 900 billion Star Tokens. We will also gradually increase the pot according to the actual situation. I believe that through the joint efforts of everyone, our The pot will be as high as 300 million, 3 billion or more. Regarding the question of when to withdraw the pool, we plan to destroy the certificate, so there will never be a withdrawal of the pool.

Group friends asked: What is Star’s slippage mechanism?

Star community representative: The original intention of Star’s slippage mechanism design is to allow more people to enjoy the dividends of industrial construction. The slippage mechanism consists of two aspects: buying and selling. In the mechanism ratio, we focus on rewarding the early and late buyers of each round. This mechanism can better allow Star to form an infinite cycle of purchase and destruction, and it is also more conducive to market sharing and promotion.

Questions from group friends: Is Star on the centralized exchange?

A: The reason why Star is issued based on BSC actually hides our ambitions, because Binance’s listing rules only require 5,000 real and valid users and active transactions, we may get Binance Exchange without any cost. This is just a small goal of Star, and our future is to launch Coin base.

Moderator: Dear partners, our meeting is coming to an end. Thank you again Mr. Jacky Davis for his sharing, thank you for your cooperation throughout the meeting, thank the core members of the SHIN community for coming to this group, and thank the bloggers of the major currency circles for their support. For your support, thanks to the global Star Alliance community, please pay close attention to the latest developments in the Star community. This is the end of today’s meeting. Next, let the sea of stars in the original universe industry witness the rapid growth of Star.

Cryptocurrency and ESG issues: Why Cryptos are better for ESG than you think

In 2022, blockchain enters a new era of development, and cryptocurrency miners and more investors are considering environmental, social and corporate governance (ESG) issues when allocating their portfolios. Additionally, cryptocurrencies are starting to take allocations from more and more investment portfolios.

However, some investors may be hesitant due to reports that Bitcoin is not environmentally friendly, so if investors consider ESG, is there any way to include cryptocurrencies in their portfolios? Are some cryptocurrencies more ESG friendly than others? It all depends on how you look at the space.


Unpacking Bitcoin’s (BTC) ESG Argument

The main argument that Bitcoin is not ESG friendly stems from the processing power required to mine the cryptocurrency and complete transactions. Even Tesla CEO Elon Musk’s tweets, which typically drive the crypto market, temporarily suspended the automaker’s acceptance of bitcoin for purchases last year amid concerns over the cryptocurrency’s environmental impact.


However, not everyone believes that Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies have ESG issues.

An important consideration, according to ESG’s thesis on cryptocurrencies, is the difference between proof-of-work and proof-of-stake. The two models differ in how computers are used to solve the complex mathematical problems required to mine or trade cryptocurrencies.

First, cryptocurrencies are 99.9% more energy efficient in proof-of-stake than proof-of-work verification, and cryptocurrencies that follow the proof-of-stake model are more environmentally friendly than those that use the proof-of-work model.

Second, proof-of-work requires a lot of computing power from the entire network of crypto miners to confirm each transaction. However, proof-of-work spreads the responsibility of verifying each transaction among all holders of that cryptocurrency.


Both Bitcoin and Ethereum are built on a proof-of-work model for transaction verification, but Ethereum is struggling to move to a proof-of-stake model, and Bitcoin is lagging behind. Other cryptocurrencies are created using a proof-of-stake model, which means they should theoretically be more ESG-friendly. To make proof-of-work cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin more environmentally friendly, some miners are migrating to regions of the world that are rich in sustainable energy.

Cryptocurrencies and the future of ESG

Due to the promulgation of relevant regulatory laws and policies on the use of natural data by various countries, the future development of cryptocurrencies will follow the sustainability of ESG more, use more clean energy or renewable energy, and improve the underlying technologies such as proof of rights and transaction rates. Reduce resource consumption. While we can discuss the ESG challenges of cryptocurrencies vs fiat currencies in detail, one thing we need to keep in mind is that cryptocurrencies have a trump card: blockchain, cryptocurrencies are more than a method of payment.



All of ESG’s underlying technologies are built on blockchain technology, which makes them more practical than fiat currencies by mapping the way carbon is tokenized to reality. Even if some say that cryptocurrencies themselves are not part of an ESG-friendly portfolio, blockchain technology seems obvious. The Financial Times spoke to Doug Miller, a master’s student at Imperial College London who also works for the global non-profit Energy Network. He uses blockchain technology to “design authentication systems for digital assets that rely on clean energy.” It can be seen that no matter what it is, his European style continues to exist on the basis of blockchain;

ESG and its team are committed to building a better planet through blockchain technology. ESG is initiated by the international system about shaping the world’s new economy, and the world’s top investment institutions jointly advocate the future of environmental and natural resource security. Everything starts. They are all based on the public chain technology Blockchain. This is the “geoengineering” of the Fourth Industrial Revolution.

Earth Management Platform:

ESG blockchain technology can help organize, monitor and manage vast amounts of Earth system data in a geospatial digital ledger. Enable secure and trusted transactions that create value across geographic and environmental domains. Geospatial platforms supported are still in the early stages of exploration and activity monitoring, management and initiation of market mechanisms to protect the world, environmental sharing from life on land to ocean health, early collection, management and processing of environmental habitat management data, Including the catalogue and habitat of species genetic diversity, providing marine information and terrestrial living environment information for conservation work.

Next Generation Sustainability Monitoring and Reporting:

ESG blockchain has the power to enhance companies, verify company performance through independent procurement and reporting, companies provide verification data, and stakeholders can get Token incentives; this can take action to motivate governments and companies to build a better planet, fulfill reporting and Other environmental protection strategic goals. It will provide independent and supportive entities for accurate information management and investor decision-making, improve market efficiency and provide incentives to drive change; establish secure, impartial, and open information and data networks.


The combination of cryptocurrencies and ESG continues, and more innovative topics continue to ferment. How to build the future of global sustainability and the new economy of global ESG investment and financing? Whether cryptocurrencies will succeed remains to be seen, but whether they happen What, there’s no denying that the blockchain technology they built is here to stay. Viewing them in this light provides an ESG-friendly perspective that fiat currencies can never have.


StarToken will open the global airdrop on the 20th, 23 online pancakes

StarGlobal is a digital autonomous community formed spontaneously by a group of Metacosmic industry believers. We hope to use the wealth we have gained in SHIB to build a seamless link and low latency satellite network for the Metacosmos. We expect more consensus people to feel the charm of the Metauniverse industry together.

Star original infinite ranking, infinite destruction, infinite loop, The infinite rising value-added mechanism will form a vast sea of stars and light up the consensus of more participants. This new digital system of meta-universe ecological assets will accelerate the realization of the meta-universe dream of human beings going to the sea of stars.

StarToken will launch the Global Community Airdrop program on March 20, 2022, and launch PancakeSwap at 14: 00 (GMT) on 23 March 2022. More than 100 large communities around the world have joined StarGlobal.
StarGlobal welcomes more consensus members to join us and witness the miracle of Star Global’s assets.

Greenpeace | Action makes a difference

The world’s rising annual emissions of greenhouse gases are causing global average air and sea temperatures to rise, melting ice and snow, and rising sea levels.

In January 2021, the World Meteorological Organization announced that the average global temperature in 2020 will be about 14.9℃, 1.2℃ higher than the pre-industrial level, leaving us little room for temperature rise. If the temperature rise exceeds 2℃, the earth and human beings will face irreversible climate disaster. To mitigate the severe effects of climate change, there are three main paths: Reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, increase the use of renewable energy and improve energy efficiency.

“Carbon neutrality” refers to the total amount of carbon dioxide or greenhouse gas emissions directly or indirectly produced by a country, enterprise or individual within a certain period of time, and the positive and negative offset is achieved through afforestation, energy conservation and emission reduction, etc., so as to achieve relatively “zero emissions”. Emission subjects need to bear the consequences and pay the corresponding costs for their actions, and the carbon pricing mechanism comes into being, which is “carbon trading”.

Although “carbon neutral” was chosen as Oxford Dictionaries’ word of the year in 2006, it was only a flash in the pan. In recent years, “carbon neutral” has remained a very small interest in the international community, at least in China.

And in 2008, Greenpeace was born. Greenpeace is an international non-governmental organization working to promote a greener, peaceful and sustainable world. In order to promote the awareness of environmental protection and further realize the environmental protection of all people, some core members of Greenpeace combine the influence and resources of Greenpeace.

And then the Greenpeace Entrepreneur Foundation (GEF) came into being.

Since its establishment, the Foundation has taken environmental protection as its mission and cooperated with many international environmental organizations, including the Nature Conservancy and the Forest Carbon sequestration project of the International Environmental Protection Fund.

Through extensive contact with international well-known environmental protection groups, enterprises and individuals, to attract people from all walks of life to participate in and support the cause of environmental protection, through various channels and ways to raise funds for environmental protection, for the cause of global environmental protection affected a positive contribution. And help to break the carbon neutral cycle; Carbon neutrality will bring sweeping social changes, and all industries will undergo fundamental changes. This is already on the table.

We can boldly imagine that in GEF, everyone can take practical actions to promote positive change, protect the earth’s environment and become carbon neutral. We can find the significance of individuals to society here. All the advocates of environmental protection can realize their value in GreenPeace. You can receive considerable income to support your green dream!

Social networking, e-commerce, online gaming and other Internet industries will all be transformed by carbon neutrality. The improvement of global environmental awareness requires the efforts of everyone, and GreenPeace will be the first to speak up and promote the common progress of both domestic and international fronts.

The best GameFi of SUPER WAR PET will launch sonon. How to get SWPC token?


GameFi is a new concept after the fire of DeFi, NFT, and the Metaverse. Like DeFi, it is a word created with the development of the industry, and can also be understood as Game+DeFi. It aims to promote the financial attributes of games through the game economy. While improving the game economy through financial attributes, the notable feature is that the financial elements (Finance) are integrated into the game (Game), and the decentralized financial products are presented in the form of games. DeFi’s Gamification of rules, fusion and sublimation. The special feature of GameFi is the play to earn part in GameFi. Users can earn income or rewards in the process of participating in the game and make money. In addition, rich Defi gameplay, such as game prop assets NFT, game economy combined with liquidity mining, etc., are all available in GameFi.

At the same time, thanks to the distributed structure of blockchain technology, the “metaverse” perfectly mirrors the real world at the relatively general level of “system”. The next block chain with huge economic value and investment value is GameFi.

The value of GameFi is the IP attribute of the game itself. Based on the foundation of Finance, the core game can be played. In terms of game content and IP creation, many projects have begun to stand alone and take the lead.


Global GameFi games are developing rapidly, but they lack in-depth thinking and hard work in the direction of Game. But there are also many potential emerging projects worthy of attention. As one of them, Super War Pet is a classic and unique SLG chain game based on Binance Smart Chain (BSC), which integrates “elimination, competition, simulation, mining, Staking, SWAP, DEFI, NFT, DAO” in one, in which you will lead your pet team on adventures and achieve personal and team honor.

How to play the new world

In Super War Pet, NFT pets are your mounts, and incredible new worlds and life forms are waiting for you. To get NFT pets, you can use tokens to draw blind boxes, or use summoning and breeding skills to strengthen your pet lineup to get more resources and rewards.

Super War Pet is a metaverse full of adventure and war, we have

A complete economic system, from NFT exchange to pet summoning, synthesis, duplication, exchange, to land auction and store rental, the whole process is Play-to-Earn.

Perfect social system. From the moment you join the game, you are a member of Super War PetDAO, and you can share the dividends of ecological development by participating in the ecological governance of Super War Pet Metaverse.

Set up a pet level system, upgrade to get more power and resources, and become the best Super War Pet fighter.

An epic war is waiting for you to join, and the supremacy of pet camps in the elven castle awaits.

Bringing the game back to the essence of fun has always been the original intention of Super War Pet. As a top GameFi production from game graphics to war scenes, as well as combat missions and level design. Coupled with rich and interesting gameplay, “Super War Pet” allows you to appreciate what it means to be completely immersive.

Play-to-Earn realizes earning while playing

Play-to-Earn as a new concept economic model, we call it earning while playing. The economics of Play-to-Earn are at the heart of the GameFi space. Gamefi is an inevitable result of the development of DeFi and NFT. Its value lies in enabling participants to enjoy the fun of games while also getting real benefits from them. Compared with the “Free-to-Play” of traditional games, Gamefi is “Play to Earn”. The former is to spend money to recharge and then play the game, while the latter game players can earn real money through encrypted assets and participate in the virtual economy.

Players who build and play can earn rewards for their participation, sell them on the market and earn money. This is a revolutionary difference. It is different from the Free-to-Play model in the traditional game industry,Since blockchain games are not owned by a certain company, the development team of Chain Games has changed from the service role of the traditional game development team to a company-like architect, and the player has changed from the player who pays to play the game to a player Employees who contribute to the development and expansion of the company, players and developers jointly maintain the game, which is completely driven by the market, the higher the popularity, the better the experience, and the higher the level of gamers. The transformation of the identities of both parties has transformed the original behavior of players spending money to play games into a behavior similar to earning money through work. They can obtain returns from the market through games, and each player can participate in the improvement and upgrade of the overall game. This is also an epic change to the long-ruling era of game kryptonite.


Super War Pet NFT is also known as SW-NFT. Each SW-NFT represents a pet, first obtain a SW-NFT, join the Super War Pet game, and then be eligible to summon a pet, and then experience the incubation, upgrade, exchange and other gameplay of advanced SW-NFT.

Different from the traditional game centralized mode, Super War Pet gives players enough game rights. All SW-NFTs purchased and incubated in the game universe belong to the players themselves, and players have the right to exchange them freely.


2021 is called the first year of the metaverse. The metaverse maps the reality into the virtual world, and the concept of ultimately affecting the real world from the activities of the virtual world has become the main direction of the future development of the Internet. Under the epidemic, some resource-exporting countries in Southeast Asia have encountered an economic crisis. To solve the economic crisis, it is necessary to seek new economic growth points in addition to resource exports. The economic system mapped by GameFi just provides such a possibility, so that ordinary people can In the reality of high consumption and low income, certain benefits are earned through the virtual world.

The trend of 2022 is gradually blowing to GameFi, and more and more newcomers are pouring into the game world of “Paly to Earn”. Let’s lead the pets of war in the chain game Super War Pet, and adventure together. Run on the road of Play-to-Earn and achieve each other. Build your own new kingdom on the blockchain, summon, collect, copy, exchange pets, appreciate game rewards and govern digital assets. Follow the pace of Super War Pet, seize GameFi, seize the opportunity, and dominate the wealth! !

DAO Farmer: A review of the past, present and future.

I. DAO Farmer Milestones

2021 September – Foundation and Selection of the Team Members.

2021 October – Developed In-Game Economics and Game Model was Confirmed.

2021 November – The game website ( was officially launched.

2021 December –  The Website launched the Resource section, many Youtubers uploaded an in-depth video analysis.

2022 January – DAO Farmer formally opened the IGO whitelist campaign with more than 6,000 participating users.

2022 January – DAO Farmer conducted its IGO at Galaxy and co-hosted an online AMA. Project Galaxy is credited with plug-and-play NFT modules and invested by well-known institutions such as Multicoin Capital, and Binance Labs.

2022 January – Created an NFT collection at Element and opens trading. Element Market is a multi-chain NFT trading platform.

2022 February – Smart Contract audit by CertiK. CertiK is a pioneer in blockchain security, utilizing best-in-class Formal Verification.

2022, February 22nd – DAO Farmer was officially LAUNCHED (Newborn Phase V1).

2022, March 5th – Certik finished the preliminary audit with the Result: No Critical Vulnerability. Now, we will work on optimizing the contract code based on the preliminary results!

2022, March 6th – DAO Farmer established the DAO Farmer Eco-Development Fund, It will be used for Game promotions, Event rewards, and Other actions that benefit DAO Farmer and the community


II. About Launching so far

DAO Farmer is a Play-to-Earn Metaverse GameFi that combines blockchain technology with traditional gaming connotations. DAO Farmer is divided into three phases: NewbornRising, and Arrival.

In the Newborn phase(Launching), DAO Farmer is designed as a Play-to-Earn farm simulation game where players can complete the game process with simple actions to earn great rewards.

In the Rising phase(Developing), players are no longer limited to their farms but will compete with all players across the continent. In this stage, players need to have enough time to upgrade and operate their farms and expand them into their city-state.

In the Arrival phase(Long-term plan), players will no longer use the mouse and keyboard to play the game but can use VR and physical devices for an immersive gaming experience.

DAO Farmer officially launched the Newborn phase V1 version on February 22, 2022, opening the first DAO+GameFi farming metaverse game on the Binance Smart Chain. All funds from the IGO sale are pumped into the DAO vault and added into the Liquidity pool of in-game tokens.

In just 3 weeks from our launch, more than 500 NFT tools have been minted in the game, and the total value of the game vault has exceeded $1.4 million. In today’s relatively unheated GameFi circuit, DAOFarmer’s numbers and data are not an easy feat to achieve.


III. Introduction to the core mechanism

DAO Farmer’s numbers shown above are not an easy feat, but it is made possible when we launched the two core mechanisms of the game: Protocol Owned Liquidity (POL) and Property as a Service (PaaS)

In January 2022, approximately 260,000 BUSD from the blind box sale on the Galaxy platform became the first funds in the DAO vault and the majority of the funds were used to create liquidity for the three tokens under the POL mechanism. Later, upon a community proposal, DAO Farmer locked in the initial liquidity of the three tokens for three years, and the value of the locked liquidity is currently estimated at 650,000 BUSD. The full amount of funds in the DAO vault will serve the project in the future. These two mechanisms are being used to add liquidity, maintain the coin price, and other development costs of the game.


To prevent the token price from rapidly rising due to the influx of a large number of players in the early market with weak liquidity, DAO Farmer adopts the PaaS mechanism, where early incoming funds flow into the DAO vault through PaaS instead of going directly into the secondary market, maintaining the relative stability of the coin price and promoting the long-term healthy development of the game.

Considering the risk of on-chain flash loan attacks, instead of simply capturing the real-time price of tokens on Pancakeswap, PaaS captures the weighted result of the moving average price over time and the real-time price as the index price and multiplies it by the number of tokens required for NFT tools to calculate the current selling price of NFT tools, currently with an additional 5% discount and benefits.

Based on the pricing model of PaaS above, we can see that when the token price rises, the PaaS price is lower than the estimated total price of forged materials using the in-game currencies/tokens and considering the fee and slippage factor of purchasing tokens, the price advantage of PaaS will be more prominent. In this case, players will prioritize buying NFT props from PaaS to get a more favorable price. At this time, the demand for tokens in the market will weaken, which can effectively suppress the sharp rise of the coin price.

When the token price falls, the PaaS price is likely to be higher than the synthesis price, then players will buy material tokens directly from the secondary market to synthesize NFT tools, at this time the market demand for tokens will increase, which can effectively promote the token price to pull up.

The funds are heavily deposited in the DAO vault, and 50% of the platform’s farm tax revenue will also flow into the DAO vault through the protocol. The DAO vault will enable the addition of liquidity and the long-term maintenance of the coin price through POL.

The steady operation of the POL and PaaS modules under the DAO model has built a mature and rigorous decentralized financial system for DAO Farmer, and strong support for the long-term development of the game.

To summarize, the operating principle of DAO Vault is similar to OHM’s Bond module, through the macro regulation of POL and PaaS contract, to achieve a steady increase of token price and protect the rights and interests of players entering the game in all time periods.


IV. Recent Development Plan

DAO Farmer will gradually grow the project in the future around two main lines: new user growth and product iteration. At the same time, we are a supporter of DAO concept and hope to build a truly decentralized autonomous organization on DAO Farmer. Players are important participants in the future development of the game, and we hope that more people will join us. We also hope to receive suggestions from the community, and we are open to any ideas you may have.

On March 6, 2022, DAO Farmer established a $150,000 early-stage eco-fund at the initiative of the community. The fund will be used entirely for the project’s brand marketing, as well as the expansion of new users. We will then start mutually beneficial cooperation with many industry KOLs and organizations so that more players will pay attention to DAO Farmer and join the DAO Farmer ecosystem.

Here, we reveal early plans for the near-term product iteration. In mid-March 2022, DAO Farmer will add a new feature module: AutoFarm and mini NFT tools. AutoFarm will be considered friendly to new users so that they can join the game more easily. At the same time, AutoFarm will introduce a new mechanism that will better enable the spread of the project and give the project’s backers more ways to earn. After the automation farm is launched, DAO Farmer will have more game strategy combinations and game participation methods to further enhance the playability of the game, let’s look forward to it together!

In mid to late April 2022, DAO Farmer plans to go live with the token reactor feature (DAO Reactor), which will be the most anticipated feature of DAO Farmer.

The DAO Reactor shadows the economic model of the OHM Olympus DAO and related mechanisms, which will build a Game+DeFi+DAO trinity product environment, defining a new paradigm for GameFi.

After the token reactor feature (DAO Reactor) launches, DAO Farmer may spawn a new ecosystem role: the DAO Fund.

On the contrary, with a large number of 3A GameFi projects coming online in mid-2022, the GameFi track is bound to explode again in 2022.

Meanwhile, there is no successful OHM model in the BSC ecosystem. Based on this, DAO Farmer is expected to be the first “OHM” inspired GameFi model in the BSC ecosystem.

V. Beginnings and Vision

DAO Farmer’s initial goal is to integrate DAO into the GameFi space and build a relatively fair gaming scene with a rigorous DAO financial system. We value community input and believe strongly that the community is an important part of the project, now and in the future.

Since the birth of Bitcoin in 2009, the blockchain industry has witnessed many drastic changes in the past 13 years, including technical level, cognitive level, policy level and so on. At the same time, we found that this dramatic change cycle is gradually shortening, and the blockchain industry will enter a high-speed development stage. During this period, the only constant in the industry is change, and for DAO Farmer, the only constant is the original intention.

Amidst the backdrop of the industry’s rapid development, DAO Farmer will also see robust and efficient product iterations. Thinking about the future, what is DAO Farmer likely to evolve into.

Strategy-based GameFi platform?

GameDAO Smart Fund?

Algorithmic game Stable Coin?


The final shape of the DAO Farmer will be decided by you and me.


VI. Contact Us





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Game Tutorial

Foreword: Currently the average DAOFarmer NFT tool ROI is about 20 days, we hope this tutorial can help you.

1. Enter the game (both PC and mobile)

Open the official website of DAOFarmer ( and enter the game from the top right corner of the website “Play Game”.

2. Connect your Wallet (BSC Chain)

Enter the game interface, display the ” connect wallet” prompt. Click the ” Connect Wallet” button in the upper right corner and then approve the connection with your Metamask wallet.

3. Get the NFT tool

After connecting the wallet, the balance of three kinds of tokens in the wallet will be read automatically at the top of the game, these represent meat resources DFM, wood resources DFW, and gold resources DFG. The lightning icon represents the energy value, which is now 0.

There are three mining pools in the home screen, which represent hunting, logging and mining respectively, corresponding to the meat resources, wood resources and gold resources that can be mined.

Click on the corresponding mining pool, 3 card slots appear, each card slot can have NFT tools. In other words, for a single account, each pool allows up to 3 NFT tools to be mined at the same time.

Click “+”, new players will be prompted that there is no NFT tool, and the ” Forge ” and ” Buy ” buttons will appear. Click the ” Forge ” button to jump to the ” Smithy ” interface. Click “Buy” to jump to the “PaaS” interface to buy. Whether you cast or buy from PaaS, the platform will give you the amount of energy needed to make the NFT tool work once. However, if you buy the NFT tool from PaaS interface, you can enjoy a 5% discount and get 1 to 5 DAOF tokens as a bonus. Therefore, it is recommended that new players go to the PaaS interface to purchase NFT props.

In the PaaS interface, you can see the price of each NFT tool, the remaining quantity and the number of bonus DAOF. NFT tools in PaaS are available for purchase using BUSD with a 5% discount and are available on a first-come, first-served basis.

When the PaaS NFT tool is sold out, players can choose to go to the “Smithy” interface and spend DFW and DFG to synthesize NFT tools. Players who are synthesizing for the first time will need to approve both tokens separately.

4. mining

After purchasing the NFT tool we can come to the appropriate mining pool for mining, select a slot to place the NFT into, select the NFT tool, and then click ” confirm “.

After placing the NFT, the NFT will appear on the card slot, but at this time, is not yet mining. You have to click on the “Approve” button first, and then click on “Use”.

After completing the operation, a pop-up window will show the revenue gained from this mining, and the resources mined will also appear in the balance display above, and the mining will be completed. At this point, the energy value above will also show the deduction.

5. Repair tools

After completing a mining session, the NFT tool will enter a cooldown time, and the NFT can only be removed from the slot after completing the cooldown time. Click the “Repair” button, you need to spend gold to repair and restore the durability of the NFT tool. The durability will be repaired successfully after successful confirmation.

6. Restore energy

An exception to meat tools, wood and gold NFT tools requires energy consumption to mine. Click on the “+” next to the energy value, the interface of using meat resources to restore energy value will appear. If you are using meat resources for the first time, you need to “Approve “, enter the energy value to be restored, and then click “Use” to confirm the restoration of energy value.

When you click finish, you can see the energy value above will be restored according to the consumed meat resources.

7. Increase revenue

The DAO interface first shows real-time data from the DAO vault, which is the core of the DAOFarmer financial system, supporting the healthy cycle of the DAOFarmer economy and ensuring long-term stable returns for farmers.

The DAO interface also includes “Farm Tycoon”, a functional module to improve mining efficiency. There are three types of pools, choosing the corresponding pool to stake 50 DAOF can increase the mining efficiency of the corresponding pool by 6%.

8. Sell NFT

Select the NFT tool you want to sell in the “Warehouse” and click “Sell” to go to the Element platform and place an order to sell the NFT tool.


The metaverse of METAHERO is going to overturn esports industry?

It’s a parallel network with the real world that users can access through virtual reality. It is also a huge, collective virtual world that is open to users all over the world, where people can play roles, play games, socialize, communicate, etc. This is the Metaverse.

From the classical phase of literature, art and religion to the neoclassical phase of science fiction and video game forms, the metaverse have transcended what Neal Stephenson set out to mean. It has absorbed information communication (5G/6G), Internet technology (Web 3.0), AI and XR technology, and entered the stage of highly intelligent form with “decentralized” games as the carrier, showing in front of people with a more digital and inclusive attitude.

As a metaverse of immersive experiences, Games are certainly one of the best carriers.

MetaHero is based on the decentralized solution of esports GameFi + entertainment live streaming industry, aiming at an ecosystem jointly created by various GameFi, esports network dramas, all esports players, esports stars, live streaming platforms, esports reality shows and cross-border partners.

Being the first online GameFi, the core of MetaHero is a decentralized game based on blockchain technology. It uses cryptocurrency as settlement Token to create a Token circulating in each project, so as to connect user relations between different levels and form a new blockchain ecosystem.

In order to realize the huge MetaHero ecosystem in the future, in addition to the GameFi itself, it is necessary to establish the most comprehensive centralized game virtual prop trading platform to prepare for the asset circulation in the tribe. With the development of blockchain technology, the new MetaHero decentralized ecosystem will provide ubiquitous liquidity for game items, providing more value to the game market and participants. Here, the participants are primarily game developers, publishers, and game players, as well as game item markets, transaction promoters, and other contributors. In this ecosystem, economic value is distributed among all participants to ensure that they receive their due.

The new MetaHero decentralized world ecosystem will bring huge benefits to game players. With unprecedented flexibility and the ability to buy, sell and hand in game items directly to other gamers, players can get tremendous value from their hard-earned game items. And crucially, they will do so in a fraud-free environment, something that never existed before blockchain technology became available.

This is the first year of metaverse, and esports has become an official event of the 2022 Hangzhou Asian Games. MetaHero will grasp the integration and innovation of the two tracks and continue to explore the development potential of metaverse esports, on the basis of adhering to the strategy of “esports drives games and data flow drives the real economy”. Virtual reality technology as the realization path, the formation of innovative digital products, integrated into the practical scene application requirements, to promote the further realization of the current value of the ” metaverse “.